Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TOP 10 TUESDAY: Rebels in Literature

    Top Ten Rebels In Literature((: characters or authors))
This meme is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish))
This week's top ten Tuesday focuses on 
Those people who stood up for what they believed in despite the cost of doing so.
  1. Katniss(The Hunger Games):She stood up against an empire that had been mistreating the people for centuries! I really admire Katniss.
  2. Sally Lockhart(Sally Lockhart Trilogy ):In a time when women were docile and helpless this woman  started a business and dared to go against society by making something of herself in a male dominated society.
  3. Neville (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows): You might not think that he is a rebel but I really admired his courage in Deathly Hallows*spoiler* The way he stands up against Snape*spoiler ends*,that alone requires a lot of courage(especially as he is very  meek character throughout the series)
  4. Puck(The Iron Fey series): Puck is a born rebel! Everything about him screams REBEL!
  5. Alex(Half Blood): I can't tell you why she's a rebel without giving away spoilers!
  6. Claire(Morganville Vampires): Claire is meek but if you threaten her friends she will stand against you in a blink of an eye!
  7. Saba (Blood Red Road): She never gave up! Plus, she stood up against the WHOLE system to get to her brother!
  8. Wanderer(The Host): You have to read the book to understand!
  9. Calla(Nightshade):I don't really like her but she did rebel against........(you know who)
  10. Dumbledore's Army(Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix): You know why!
Don't forget to check out AWESOME book news about Jennifer's new book!

I'm also representing Puck in the YA crush tournament! So don't forget to head over to http://ya-sisterhood.blogspot.com/  TOMORROW to vote for PUCK!!!!


  1. Ooh, my to-read list just grew...
    I love Sally Lockhart. :)

    here is my list: http://liedermadchen.blogspot.com/2011/07/top-ten-tuesday-3.html

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Ah, Neville! I didn't even think of him, but he's such a great choice for this list.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I haven't read a lot of the books on your list, but I have Blood Red Road on my shelf and I'm looking forward to it.


Please leave a comment and your blog link(if you have one).I LOVE comments!! I read all the comments on my blog and will try to pay a visit to your blog :D


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