My rating: 4 of 5 stars
So this book made me cry. Not because it's a sad book but because it resonated with me.
As an Indian with slightly strict and conservative parents, it reminded me of a time when I used to be shit scared of my parents and did not keep communication lines with them open. Karina Ahmed was ME at one point of time and that's what made me cry.
I was originally drawn towards this book because FAKE DATING and the fact that it featured an asian protagonist was a BONUS

While it wasn't as light as I expected because Karina suffers from anxiety and being inside her mind can either make you anxious or irritated (depending on how much you relate to her), I enjoyed reading this book.
It portrayed a healthy relationship between Karina and her friends. For once, parents were in the picture and the "bad boy" wasn't a jerk. He was just different from Karina and was going through his own issues.
I'd recommend this book to anyone that feels they are alone, especially if they're suffering from anxiety or have strict parents.
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